Lethal Lolita
by Leslie Schmidt
Chapter Two
Three days later, Megan came back into my office. Again, it was 4:30, our usual time on Monday's and Thursday's. My office staff left at 5, so we were alone in the office after that.
"How are things going, how is school?" I asked.
"The other kids are jerks and my teacher's a bitch."
This exchange had become somewhat of a habit, to start every session, I asked her the same thing, and she responded the same.
"You told me a lot last time and I have checked up on your story, I believe it's true."
Megan looked straight at me. Her expression changed to anger. "Of course it's true! I killed that bastard, just like I've killed two other guys. Why didn't you believe me!"
It was obvious that I had hit a nerve in this young lady. "You must see, it's kind of a fantastic story, Megan. Not every ten-year-old stabs people while they're making love."
"We weren't "making love", he was fucking me and hurting me. I was just defending myself (the jerk)."
She was very angry now, so I needed to cool things off. "Ok, ok, ok," I said, "I didn't mean to get you so upset."
We were silent for a few moments.
"I was so pissed off at that bastard," she said under her breath.
"It's terrible what he did to you," I said.
Megan sat, silent. Her arms were folded across her chest, her chin was down, she had shut down. I waited in silence.
"He was a jerk, a faggot jerk. He wanted to fuck me in the asshole because that's what he did with his boys. Mommy knew he was gay. Why did she send me out with him? She knew that he didn't want a girl. She could have found him a guy. He was probably just curious about whether a girl's asshole feels different from a boy's."
Again, we were silent, probably for a full three minutes. Then she looked up at me. "Larry, it's strange that I come so hard when...isn't it."
"Well, that's what I'd like to learn more about," I said. I knew I had to go somewhere I didn't want to go, but there was no avoiding it. "You said you've killed three men. What about them?"
She got a distant look on her face.
"The second guy, well, he really wasn't that bad. He's the maintenance man in the building across the street. He has a reputation, you know, for liking little kids. A girl I know says he has put his hands down her pants and he has a thing going for one of the boys in my building. He is always hanging around with him and, sometimes, they go out for pizza and things. Once they were caught sucking each other's dicks under a stairway.
"Well, I was walking home from school and I saw him standing in the doorway to his building. I don't know why I did it, but I just walked up to him and said, "Do you want to fuck?"
"He said sure and we went inside and down to his shop. As we went down the stairs, I was kind of scared but I was also getting turned on, ya know. When we walked into the shop, I just pulled my dress off over my head. Then I slipped off my shoes and pulled off my panties.
"He locked the door and pulled off his clothes. It took him a bit longer because he had to untie his shoes. His dick was already hard and I just went over to him, knelt down and started sucking it. He groaned some and started humping into my face. I looked up at him and told him not to come, that I wanted him to come in my pussy.
"I sucked on him a little more, then he said he wanted to fuck. I said Ok. He went and lay down on the floor on a rug next to his workbench. I walked over and stood above him, his dick was pointing up at my pussy. That's when I noticed the box knife on the work bench. I really didn't think about it. I lowered myself on him and slid his dick inside me.
"It felt really good, and I was really turned on. I was bouncing up and down on top of him, feeling the tingling starting to spread up my belly. He was humping hard up into me and then he grunted. I felt him shoot cum inside me, and at the same time, I came. I leaned back, straightening my back and saw the box knife again.
"I don't know why, but I grabbed it and slashed his throat just as he humped into me and shot more cum. He made a strange burping noise and his blood sprayed up into my face. That's when I came like crazy! I came so hard that it knocked the wind out of me. I remember that I couldn't even breath.
"Next, I was still straddling him and his dick was still inside me. He was staring at the ceiling, and there was blood everywhere. I had blood all down my front and in my hair. I stood up and his dick flopped out of me. I had to wash off in a laundry sink, I actually had to climb up in it to wash all the blood off of me. Then I put my dress back on, my panties were covered with blood so I left them there. I locked the door behind me and went home.
Again, I was at a loss for words. The crimes she was describing were absolutely horrific. It was obvious that she felt little or no remorse for taking these men's lives. Also, in this case, she had sought out her victim. She had crossed over to be a predator and it was hard to find any justification for this crime.
"That was the second man you killed. But you also killed that police man."
"Ya. I had to kill him, he was going to get me in a lot of trouble," she said.
I waited, didn't say anything. I was hoping my silence would spur her on.
"That was last Sunday. Mommy had set me up with a date with one of her clients. He was a sweet man. We went to his hotel, a really nice place with a spa and everything. He was from Los Angeles.
"We called up room service and had some pizza. I asked him if I could have some red wine from the bar, he said sure. We sat together on the bed and watched TV, but all he did was put his arm around me and I cuddled up to him. He really seemed kind of nervous, ya know, not really knowing what to do next.
"After a while, I decided that if anything was going to happen, I would have to start it-a lot of guys are like that, too scared to move. So I turned around and sat on his lap, facing him. I put my hands on his shoulders and asked him if he wanted to kiss me.
"All he did was lean forward and give me a peck on the lips, like I was his daughter, so then I gave him a real kiss, tongue and all. He seemed to get the idea, I felt his dick swell between my legs, I was sitting across his hips, ya know.
"That's when he started moving. He had his hands on my sides and he pulled them back and rubbed his thumbs over my nipples. This made a shiver go through me, and I began to feel wet. I leaned back and looked straight into his eyes. I took his hands and slid them up under the tank top I was wearing. He was really gentle as he rubbed my nipples with his fingertips, and I know I started breathing harder.
"Then I just pulled my top off over my head. I told him I was sorry I didn't have any breasts yet but he said he thought that was really sexy. All you guys say that!
"I undid his tie and unbuttoned his shirt (You've taught me how to do that, Doc) and pulled it down off his shoulders. He had a really nice chest. I'm sure that he lifts weights. I said I wanted to try the spa.
"I got off of him, there was a huge bulge in his pants, and stood next to the bed. I undid my jeans and pulled them off. I was wearing red thong panties. He looked so mesmerized as he stared at me. Then I slowly pulled my panties down. There was actually some sweat on his forehead, he was so turned on. I laughed at him and pointed at his dick. "I guess you like what you see," I said.
"After I was in the spa, he got out of bed and started to pull at his belt. I told him to slow down. With a grin, he did just that. He took off his socks, then undid his pants and, at a normal pace, pulled his pants and boxers off.
"When he got in the spa, I stood up in front of him and asked him to lick me. He stared at my pussy. "Haven't you seen one before it gets hair?" I asked. He looked up at me and smiled. He told me he had always wanted to do this with his daughter but now she was in college. Then he reached around me and pulled my pussy into his face. He was really good with his tongue, he must have eaten someone else's pussy before! I was coming in just a couple of minutes.
"After I came down from my high, I just looked at him and said, "I'm going to fuck you now." Then I lowered myself on his dick and we fucked. It didn't take long before he came and it felt really nice to have my pussy filled with his sperm, but he was too fast and I didn't get off. But, that was ok, he was really sweet.
"Later, in the bed, we made love again. This time he was on top, I think it's called the missionary position. I'd never done it like that before, I usually like being on top and I was afraid that his weight would shmush me but it was really nice. It was like being rocked back and forth under a big warm blanket. He kept his weight off me on his elbows and knees, and I wrapped my legs around his hips. When he came, he pushed his dick way up inside me, I didn't really have any control, and it felt so nice to be so full with his dick and his warm cum. I came too, really nice.
"We went to sleep and at about 2 AM, I left. He didn't wake up. I hope that he remembers me.
She had a relaxed look on her face, obviously she had really enjoyed her evening with that man-lucky guy. I'm sure that he will always cherish those memories of having his fantasies more than fulfilled.
"So, what happened with the cop?" I asked.
"Oh, him," she said. "I was walking down 33rd Street when he came around a corner and stopped me. I know about that stupid curfew and he questioned me, ya know, who I am, how old am I (I lied and said I was 15), where I live, why was I out. I just told him I was walking home from my friend's house. That I had been having a sleepover but couldn't sleep, so I had slipped out to go home. I asked him if he would give me a ride home and he said he couldn't do that and was going to have to call my parents and have them come get me at the station.
"This really pissed me off. My mother would be so pissed if she had to come get me and answer all sorts of questions and, of course, my dad really doesn't like dealing with the cops. So, I started to cry and told him I would do "anything" to keep my parents from finding out. That's when he just came right out and said he'd let me go if I gave him a blow job.
"We went into this building down the street, I guess it's an office building, and went up a couple of floors. He had a key to the front door. All the offices were locked so we got to the end of a hall and he said, "Ok, no one's around here." Then he undid his pants. He was a black guy, I had never been with a black man before. His dick was huge! It must have been ten inches long and it was so big around I couldn't fit more than just the head in my mouth.
"I was on my knees sucking him and he started saying things, ya know, like "Oh ya, suck my meat" and "Suck it you little white cunt bitch" and things like that. It really started to piss me off. I was sucking this cop's dick, my jaw hurt, and he was calling me names. The longer it took, the more pissed I got.
"His pants were around his ankles. When he started to come, he grabbed my head and pushed his dick way back into my mouth. I couldn't breath and started gagging and coughing on his load, but he just held me there with his dick choking me. That's when I grabbed his gun and brought it up between his legs, just behind his balls, and shot him. He saw me grab his gun and was pushing me away when I shot him, but I had bit down on his dick. It was really weird. He fired and enormous load of cum and blood into my mouth, more than I ever could hold and it actually sprayed out of my mouth and back into his dick hair.
"He sank down onto his knees and was holding his stomach. He groaned. I had stood up and still had the gun. I just put it against the top of his head and pulled the trigger. The first time I had shot him, I had not heard the gun. This time, I was really startled, it was so loud! It made my ears ring. He fell foreword.
"Then, all of a sudden, looking at the blood, I started to come again. I just sat down on the floor across the hallway from him and rubbed myself. I had to pull my pants off. Then I took his night stick, it was one of those ones with the little handle, and I pushed it up inside me. I kept imagining that it was his huge black cock, ramming into me and filling my cunt with his cum. I just came and came for at least five minutes. I finally came to when I heard his radio. They kept calling out the same number, asking for a response. I guess that was his number. Then his cell phone rang. After that, there was some sort of a call for all units, I knew they were looking for him.
"I took his gun and ran home. I had to sneak in the back entrance to the building because my clothes were full of blood.
"Why did you take the gun?" I asked.
"I don't know, I just wanted it, I guess. I put my clothes in a plastic bag and left them in a dumpster that weekend."
"You know, the police are turning the city upside down looking for you," I said.
"Ya, I hear that they think it was some prostitute and their busting every one on the street. But, no, it was just me."
She was silent for a moment. "I'm ready to fuck now," she said. Then she stood up and turned around. "Would you unzip me?"
She was wearing a long blue dress with a tie around the waist. The dress was really quite fetching. I walked to her and untied the dress, then lowered the zipper.
"Something new there eh? Never seen me with a bra before, right?" She had a training bra on. She turned around. The bra and her thong panties were dark green.
For some reason, the sight of her in these rather grown up lingerie really turned me on. "I think their beautiful, doll." I said. She struck a pose, one hand on her hip, the other behind her head. I started to strip, seeing no reason to delay.
As I took my shirt and socks off, Megan did a bump and grind strip tease, reaching behind her and undoing her bra, then slowly letting it slide down her arms and off. As I pulled off my pants and boxers, she hooked her thumb under one of the strings of her thong and, very slowly, pulled it down until the waist band was just above the top of her slit. Then she danced around some more, finally pulling the panties free and off while standing in front of the window.
"Can anyone see in?" she asked.
"I don't think so, they're pretty dark."
"I wish people could see. I really like showing off. I would love to dance in one of those clubs downtown. The idea of all those guys getting horny watching me... Oh, God, I'm ready to be fucked!"
She sat down in my desk chair, slouched down and spread her legs. "Get over here and fuck me," she commanded.
In an instant, I was on my knees, pushing my enraged cock into her hairless preteen vagina. I just couldn't get enough of watching her lips part to let me slide in and out of her, her engorged clit sliding along the top of my cock. I was just beginning to build when she had her first orgasm, arching her back and grunting. I controlled myself and kept from blowing my wad as I watched her come.
"Do you want to do it doggy style?" I asked.
With a grin, she agreed and got on the floor on her hands and knees, her slick pussy poking out from between the back of her thighs. "Don't try to fuck me in the ass, you know what I do to men who do that," she said.
I didn't need reminding. I slid my dick into her waiting pussy, easily going all the way in until the tip of my cock pushed up against her cervix. She started rocking back and forth. The feeling was incredible. If I took my hands away, the only contact we had was her pussy around my cock. This increased my awareness of her smooth and tight snatch.
Megan was getting more and more turned on, her cunt juices had coated my dick and my crotch hair was sopping. Megan came again, her pussy clamping down on me. As she came she said, "Don't come, don't come."
I bit down on my lip to keep from filling her snatch with sperm. She flopped down, her ass in the air, held up by my dick in her pus. She was panting hard, her back was damp with sweat.
"I'm going to suck your dick now." She crawled forward, leaving my dick sticking out in the air, then turned around and took me in her mouth, forcing me down her throat. As she bobbed, I sank back onto my heels, watching this beautiful ten-year-old suck my dick. "I want to taste your cum," she said. She circled the head with her tongue, then sucked me deep again. The jiz built behind my balls. As she felt me move toward orgasm, she redoubled her suction and I blew an enormous load of semen into her child mouth. Cum leaked out around the corners of her mouth. As I fired stream after stream into the back of her throat, she looked up at me and smiled as her mouth overflowed with my white jiz.
When I had finished, she pulled away, a rope of cum stringing out from the end of my cock to the end of her tongue. She kept her mouth open, it was full of my white jiz, more ran down her chin. Then she closed her mouth and I could see her swallow hard. Then she opened it again and the cum was gone. She straightened up and put her arms around my neck. We kissed deeply. She tasted of my cum. We stayed there, on our knees and hugged. Then she slowly got up and went over to my desk, where her dress lay. She pulled her dress on over her head. I zipped her up and tied the bow.
As she left, she said, "There's a guy who hangs around the school. I'm going to do him next. I want to see if I can make him shoot cum and blood at the same time."
As the darkness spread outside, I sat at my desk, still naked, and considered what I should do. I decided that if she did kill again, I would have to do what I needed to stop her, no matter what happened to me. I knew I could not go to the police, so I decided I would contact Megan's father. Certainly, he would realize that her murder spree must end before it destroyed his family. He was the only one with the power to stop it. Hopefully, Megan would stop.